St Michael’s College is a full inclusion school. This means
we provide supportive and engaging practices for all students. We value,
celebrate and respond to diversity and this is underpinned by respectful
relationships between learners and the broader school community. Inclusive
education is also supported by collaborative relationships with parents and
communities through communication, learning partnerships, participation and
consultative decision-making. Inclusive education means all students learn and
achieve at their own level in a safe, supportive, respectful and disciplined
learning environment.

Learning Support
The Learning Support staff work collaboratively with classroom teachers and academic coordinators to design and implement adjustments to the curriculum to meet individual learning needs. We work with students across all year levels and subject areas. We also work in collaborative partnership with teachers, parents, consultants, and other professionals to support and promote lifelong learning for our students.
Gifted and Talented
Our college community has a responsibility to support the education for students who are gifted and talented. Whole school data-informed planning includes the development of school-based processes and strategies that benefit students who are gifted and talented. St Michael’s offers a number of enrichment opportunities.
©️ Brisbane Catholic Education, St Michael's College Merrimac (2023).